Employment Agreement Non-Solicitation

Employment Agreement Non-Solicitation: What You Need to Know

When it comes to employment agreements, one crucial provision that is often included is non-solicitation. Non-solicitation clauses are designed to protect businesses from losing their clients or employees to their competitors. In this article, we will cover all the essential information you need to know about employment agreement non-solicitation.

What is non-solicitation?

Non-solicitation is a clause in an employment agreement that restricts an employee from soliciting or poaching the employer`s clients, customers, or other employees. The clause aims to prevent the employee from using the employer`s confidential information or trade secrets to lure away clients or employees to their new employer.

How does non-solicitation work?

Non-solicitation clauses are usually included in an employment agreement as a restrictive covenant. Restrictive covenants are designed to limit an employee’s ability to compete with a former employer or harm their business interests. The non-solicitation clause explicitly states that the employee shall not solicit or attempt to solicit the employer`s clients or employees for a specified period after the employee leaves the company.

What are the benefits of non-solicitation for employers?

Non-solicitation clauses provide employers with several benefits. First, it protects the employer`s client list and other confidential information from being used by employees for personal gain or to benefit competitors. Second, it prevents employees from poaching other employees, which can lead to a loss of talent and knowledge for the employer. Finally, it encourages employees to stay with the company since they know that they cannot easily leave and take clients or other employees with them.

What are the limitations of non-solicitation clauses?

Non-solicitation clauses must be reasonable in terms of scope, duration, and geographic reach. Courts typically scrutinize these clauses closely and will only enforce them if they are necessary to protect the employer`s legitimate interests. If a non-solicitation clause is too broad or restrictive, it may be deemed unenforceable.

What are the consequences of violating a non-solicitation clause?

If an employee violates a non-solicitation clause, they could face legal consequences. The employer can seek injunctions to stop the employee from soliciting clients or employees and can also sue the employee for damages incurred due to the violation. In some cases, violating a non-solicitation clause may result in termination of employment.


Employment agreement non-solicitation clauses are an essential tool for employers to protect their business interests. These clauses must be reasonable and well-crafted to be enforceable. It is crucial for both employers and employees to understand the terms of the non-solicitation clause and the consequences of violating it.

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