The Star Entertainment Group Enterprise Agreement

The Star Entertainment Group is a leading entertainment provider in Australia. The company has recently announced that it has reached an agreement with its employees on a new enterprise agreement.

An enterprise agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of employment between an employer and its employees. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that both parties are clear about their obligations and rights in the workplace.

The new agreement between The Star Entertainment Group and its employees covers a range of employment matters, including wages, working hours, leave entitlements, and job security. The agreement comes after months of negotiations, involving both management and employee representatives.

One of the key features of the new agreement is a 3% pay increase for all employees. This pay rise will help to ensure that employees are paid fairly for the work that they do, and that their salaries keep pace with inflation. The agreement also provides for improved job security, with provisions for redeployment and redundancy pay.

Another important aspect of the agreement is the provision of additional leave entitlements. The Star Entertainment Group employees will now be entitled to paid family and domestic violence leave, as well as cultural leave. These leave entitlements help to support employees in their personal lives and promote a healthy work-life balance.

The enterprise agreement also includes provisions for improved working conditions, such as increased shift lengths and additional rostering provisions. These changes will help to ensure that employees are able to work in safe and supportive environments.

Overall, the new enterprise agreement between The Star Entertainment Group and its employees is a positive step forward for both the company and its workforce. By providing fair wages, job security, leave entitlements, and improved working conditions, the agreement helps to promote a healthy and productive workplace culture.

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